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Lorin Bucur ’26, a double major in political science and Chinese (with a minor in economics) from Berwyn, Ill., has been awarded a prestigious Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) to spend the summer in China studying Chinese.

Lorin will be at the Dalian Technological University in Dalian, China.

At Carthage, Lorin has been active as the vice president of Student Government. She is also president of Model UN, and she helped plan a Model UN conference at Carthage with 400 participants. Last year, she studied abroad in Taiwan. Further language study in China will help prepare her for a diplomatic career as a US foreign service officer.

Each summer, over 500 American students from colleges and universities across the United States spend approximately eight weeks studying one of a dozen languages either overseas or virtually through the CLS program. These languages include those that are not commonly taught in the US, such as Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Hindi, Persian, and Turkish. The CLS helps participants develop critical language skills and intercultural competence, which are in demand in the globalized workforce and increase a student’s competitiveness across career fields. The program is administered by the US Department of State.

Congratulations, Lorin!

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Student Fellowships, Modern Languages Department

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